by Richard van Zanten | Dec 10, 2019
Dynamic pricing is thé pricing strategy to beat your competition and to win the market. But what is dynamic pricing and how do you use it? We’ll show you exactly how to use dynamic pricing in Pricesearch and what results you can get. What is dynamic pricing?... by Richard van Zanten | Nov 27, 2019
E-commerce glossary There are many terms for many strategies that differentiate between lots of different sorts of prices! Pricing in itself can be tricky. To decide a price for a product, you’ll need to consider the costs, the break-even, the expected sales,... by Richard van Zanten | Nov 10, 2019
You’ll probably recognize this: you had a great idea, a webstore, you started working on it, but now you find yourself overloaded with all the work. To many, running a webstore seems the ideal job. You build the webstore once and it’ll just run all by... by Richard van Zanten | Oct 10, 2019
It can be hard to decide which pricing strategy works the best for your webstore. That’s why I wrote this short blog about pricing strategies. Cost-oriented pricing strategy With the cost-oriented pricing strategy, the focus is more on the company than on the... by Richard van Zanten | Sep 6, 2019
Does your webstore invite visitors? How many visitors does your webstore have? And how much knowledge do you have about your webstore? These are not weird questions. For many webstore-owners, the webstore itself is the main difficulty, which is a shame because... by Richard van Zanten | Dec 4, 2018
Generating revenue isn’t the same as offering the best quality for the lowest price. It’s about inspiring people to buy a product. It often just takes that little extra push in the right direction. Dramatize We people find it worse to miss / lose something...