Do you find it hard to maintain your webstore in detail? Corporate identity, social media, pricing strategies, innovation…, where do you get the time to do all that? That’s why there are marketing tools.
Create a corporate identity
Did you think you had to hire a designer to create your corporate identity? Well, you don’t, because deep down, you know what you like and what you think fits with your business plan. With Generate coolers you can easily design a corporate identity by making colour schemes.
Hours long brainstorm sessions with 1000 memo’s? Nope!
Mindnode is easy to install via the Appstore or Google Play store. It offers you a digital environment where you can give free rein to your imagination, through mind mapping and brainstorming. You can easily store your mind maps on your laptop in pdf, jpg, etc.
Where does your website stand on SEO? You’ll find out in a flinch. How? You install SEOquake in your browser. You can turn it on or off as desired, it scans the URL of the page you’re on and diagnoses that page. Then you can see what your points for improvement are for SEO.
A responsive website
Checking the responsiveness of your web store can be much easier instead of checking it on your smartphone or tablet. Responsiveness tester displays all options, the only thing you need to do is fill in your URL. You can immediately see if elements vanish at certain resolutions.
Social Media
Social Media is too much hassle? No time? Do you often forget to post? And did you lose track of the channels? Social media planning tools such as Hootsuite and Sprout Social unburden you in this. These platforms offer a total overview and combine your various social media accounts in 1 calendar. You can schedule posts or post the same message on different media at the same time. You can also monitor social media so that you can easily monitor what your competitors and / or suppliers do. Useful for inspiration to write blogs yourself.
Keywords for Google
Of course, you want to know which keywords are doing well in Google, and which are not. This means you can come higher up in the search results. What words do the competitors use? And where are the opportunities? KWFinder helps you with that.
Price comparison
You want to compare your prices with those of your competitors, but spending hours browsing the internet and visiting price comparison sites is too time-consuming. In addition, these prices may just be different tomorrow. Pricesearch indexes the pages of your competitors and takes all the trouble out of your hands for a fixed price per month. It works through the unique barcodes of products. With integrations in almost all web store software, it is easy to implement it in your web store and now you too can keep your stock up to date.
Online services
Want a new logo or translate a website text? It can all be done via Fiverr. On this reliable platform, freelancers offer these services at a fair price. You know in advance what to expect, you have fast service and clear agreements about price and production.